10 Daily Steps for Less Stress

As we close out the first month of 2018, I thought it would be nice to look at 10 ways to reduce stress and have an amazing year.

I wish that we could just go around ignoring the things that stress us out or dampen our moods. In order to do that, you would literally have to live on an isolated planet. I bet some would still find something that would cause them stress.

Well, to make life a little easier than packing up and moving to your own isolated planet, here are 10 easy to follow tips to reduce the stresses of everyday life.

  1. Accept That You Cannot Control Everything

Remember that some things are just out of your hands. Why worry about the inevitable.

  1. Stop Caring

This sounds harsh huh? Well, think about it. Do you stress over the things you don’t care about? NO! The less you care the less you stress. Just focus on yourself and always do the best you can so you can stop caring about the things that are not important enough to stress yourself over.  If you find yourself stressing out or about to, ask yourself, is it worth my health, my sanity, my time? If you answered no to any of these questions, stop caring!

  1. Sleep Well

Sleeping has been shown to reduce cortisol levels, which aids in stress relief. Even taking a nap is helpful to reduce stress. I say nap time should get added to the work schedule. It’s not fair smokers get to take smoke breaks and I can’t take nap breaks. Just kidding, not really!

  1. Prayer

Prayer changes things.  Asking God to take control and allowing Him to have control is such a stress reliever. Letting God know you surrender all to Him, and having the faith that His will is what’s best for you, will have you living that carefree life. Read How to Completely Trust God for steps to letting go and letting God.

  1. Keep a Joy Journal

Journaling helps you organize your thoughts and thus promoting reflection. Write down your accomplishments, positive situations, and the little things that keep you happy in life. If you start to feel stressed, don’t just write how you’re feeling, pick up your journal and read some of your old posts to remind you of those happy moments.  

  1. Take a Deep Breath

Slow breathing reduces stress hormones and lowers heart rate and blood pressure. Take 5 minutes to breathe slowly and deeply when you feel stress coming or when taking part in a stressful situation.

  1. Exercise

Exercise is one of the best ways to relieve and prevent stress that also benefits other areas of health in your body. When you’re feeling overwhelmed or having trouble relaxing, do a quick 20 – 30-minute exercise and get those endorphins flowing. Even brief physical activity can help beat stress (such as a 5-minute jog around your neighborhood).

  1. Be Grateful

Keep a running log of everything you are thankful for. This list should prioritize your thinking and make you focus on the good in your life.

  1. Time Management

Create routines to manage your time and reduce stress. Flexible routines will increase your daily predictability and eliminate the anxieties that come along with unplanned and sporadic events. Jot down daily to-do lists that are short and easily achievable.

  1. Live in the Moment

Slow down and enjoy the moment you are living in. Focus on those details of your everyday life that are often overlooked. Stop focusing on tomorrow and yesterday. Remember this moment.


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xo Tish

P.S. Our greatest weapon against stress is the ability to choose one thought over another. – William James


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