self care tips for corona virus quarantine

10 Self Care Tips for Coronavirus Quarantine

Life has completely shifted in such a short period of time.  Just a couple of weeks ago, many of us were planning or preparing for Spring Break. Now we are adjusting to life being quarantined at home and social distancing. 

To help make this time a little more bearable, I’ve come up with ten self-care tips to help you stay positive and sane during this Coronavirus pandemic. 



Use this time to look deep within yourself. What ways can you grow as a person from this pandemic? How can you improve your life when this is all over? Are you living your healthiest life? Whatever it is, use this time to learn and grow as a person. Think of life after this as a second chance at life, how are you going to use this opportunity to live on purpose?


Journaling is a great way for you to get out all of your thoughts, feelings, and even worries. This is a great aid to keep track of your self-reflections. You may try guided journaling as well, as a way to sort through your thoughts with therapeutic prompts. You can find journal prompts online.

Remember, all of your feelings and thoughts are valid, and journaling is a great way to give them the attention they need during a chaotic time.


It’s almost Spring, or may already be when you first read this. This is a great opportunity to declutter your space and do a deep Spring cleaning. Having a space free of clutter will help keep your mind at ease and free of anxiety. Plus, you’ll help keep your house free of viruses and harmful bacteria, which is key during this time.


Create a Calming Playlist

Some of my friends and associates have already done this and shared it on social media for others. This is a great time to get your comforting songs all in one place to play on repeat. Sound, especially music, is therapeutic. Having songs that have a sentimental meaning will help put you in a better headspace and help shift your mood during this time.

Also, try to create a playlist with calming/meditative music. This will work great as background music to just have on to help with your heart rate and calm your brain.


Exercise at Home

Just because you can’t go to the gym or studio, doesn’t mean you can’t get in your daily exercise. Even if exercising wasn’t part of your normal daily routine, adding it into your quarantine time is a great way to pass the time. Exercising releases endorphins which are known to make you feel better. Take a least 20 minutes each day to do an at-home workout or yoga class to get your body moving and your feelings lifted. 

You can find at-home workout routines or classes online on YouTube, Pinterest, Amazon Prime, or simply Google. They are offered for all levels of expertise. 

Pamper Yourself

Since we can’t go out to get pampered, this time is a great excuse to pamper yourself. Get your favorite nail polish and give yourself a manicure and pedicure at home. Take your favorite facial cleanser and give yourself a facial, don’t forget the face mask. Top it off by taking the time to have a wash day for your hair. Now you have more than enough time in the world to give yourself the deep conditioning treatment you’ve been wanting to do, but never had enough time to do it. 

Remember to give yourself the positive affirmation you need to give back to your skin and hair. Nourishing yourself from the outside in.



Meditation is a great way to center yourself. Take about 2-5 minutes each day to spend in meditation to get your mind clear and calm during this time. Adding deep breathing and /or calming meditation music are great ways to help you stay focused while meditating.


Reading is a great way to escape life and the stressors that come along with it. Take this extra time to get lost in a book.  If you don’t have books at home to read, you are able to get books instantly through book streaming apps or ordering a book to be delivered to your front door within a day or two. Even reading magazines or blogs are other great ways to escape life and stimulate your brain in the process.


Take this time to give yourself a detox. What better time than when going through a pandemic. There are so many options to detox and they are all relaxing at the same time. 

I love to drink Yogi Detox teas. It super easy to do, and is calming to drink. Another great way to detox is to take a hot bath with Epsom salt. Talk about relaxing. I’ve linked some of my favorite detoxifying products below. 

Another great way to detox is through a massage. Of course, this is only for those who are quarantined at home with others.

Make sure you drink plenty of water after any form of detox to get the toxins out of your body.


Daily Gratitude

Each day, come up with a list of all of the things you are grateful for. This can also be part of your journal. Staying focus on the good in life with help keep you in a positive perspective during this uncertain time.

xoxo Tish

P.S. Some days you just have to create your own sunshine. – unknown

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