10 Simple Tips to Be More Positive

It is super hard to be positive in today’s world. Every time you turn around there is something negative happening around us.

I have even been faced with some challenges recently, and was forced to find the positive in each situation to keep me, well, positive.

As a Christian, it is as if, you are supposed to live life like everything is cupcakes and rainbows. In fact, being a Christian is one of the hardest things to do. I find myself struggling with making sure I am reacting in a way that will not turn people away from Christ. I don’t want people to say that good ol’ phrase, “she’s a Christian and she’s responding like that.” I guilty of saying that myself. I don’t want people to think that I am lacking faith because of my response. More importantly, I don’t want God to think I am being ungrateful.

So throughout this time I have really been figuring out ways to stay more positive. This way, when negativity comes, I’ll have a better chance of just brushing it off and moving on by focusing on the positive.

Here are 10 tips to help you be more positive that have really been beneficial to me on this journey.

Cut negative people out of your life

Tell yourself a positive word of affirmation everyday while looking in the mirror

Exercise regularly

Read inspiring quotes

Pay it forward, help someone else feel good about themselves

Read a book or blog post with a positive message

Find the positive in all things bad that happen in your life

Laugh everyday

Practice self-care

Create a photo collage of all the grateful moments in your life


xo Tish

P.S. Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results. – unknown


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