10 Things I Can’t Live Without

10 Things I Can’t Live Without

Just for fun today, I’m going to share things that I find personally necessary in life.

It’s always fun when you’re at an event and they ask what are the 3 things you would have with you if you were stuck on a deserted island. How interesting is it to find out all of the different things people consider a must-have item?


#1. Carmex Lip Balm – I seriously can’t live without this stuff. When my lips get dry they literally burn.

#2. Water – I mean can anyone really live without water? Water is my go-to drink. I drink it 95% of the time as my drink of choice.

#3. Crab Legs – I tried and failed to live without my crab legs. This is the one food that I am actually addicted to.

#4. Comet and Cosmo – My two fur babies are my kids.

#5. Smartphone – Not for talking, just for all of the other features (camera, Bible app, games, flashlight, calculator, etc, lol).

#6. Internet – I can’t use all of the features on my smartphone without it.

#7. To-do Lists – They keep me on task and organized.

#8. Sunglasses – Literally I can’t go without them. Even in the Winter or on cloudy days, the light is too bright so I wear sunglasses.

#9.  Scarves – Another one of my addictions. I have been trying to stray away from wearing them since I am teaching dance again, but I know as soon as a chill hits, I’m breaking out my scarves.

#10. My Family – Duh! Need I explain why?


xoxo Tish


P.S. Be happy and a reason will come along. – Robert Brault

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