10 Traditions to Keep Christ In Christmas

10 Traditions to Keep Christ In Christmas

I absolutely love Christmas! It is such a wonderful time of the year. But, when you think about Christmas and go deep in thought to your childhood memories, what comes to mind? Many of us remember the presents we got that meant a lot to us, the special breakfast your mom/dad made,   the decorations around the house, going to see the lights on the homes, or playing outside in the snow. We tend to leave Jesus out of the Holiday that is supposed to be ALL about Him.

As I began thinking about starting a family and the traditions I want to create, keeping Christ in Christmas was one of the first that came to mind. Christmas has become a marketing strategy for retailers where people who don’t even know who Christ is, are celebrating.

As believers, it is up to us to keep Christ in Christmas, and I have some fun ways to do just that.

Here are great traditions to start that are sure to keep Christ in Christmas

#1. Decorate with Christ as the center of your decor

#2. Read an Advent Bible Reading plan

#3. Participate in your Church’s Christmas program

#4. Attend Christmas Eve/Christmas Service at Church

#5. Listen to Christmas music that focuses on Jesus

#6. Only give 3 gifts (Jesus received 3 gifts from the Wise Men)

#7. Incorporate prayer before opening gifts

#8. Read the Christmas story each Friday night after Thanksgiving, leading to Christmas

#9. Participate in a drive and practice the spirit of giving

#10. Celebrate Jesus’ birthday! Cake and all


xoxo Tish

P.S. Jesus is the reason for the season. – unknown


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