12 Months to a Better You 2018

Once again I am revisiting one of my old posts from last year. I am sharing my 12 steps to a better life in hopes that I too will follow ALL 12 of them this year as well as you.

These steps are super simple and easy to follow. There is a step for each month, but of course, you may jump ahead and start making more of them into healthy habits sooner.

January – Drink More Water

Drinking water is the naturalist way to flush out toxins. As you know, I believe drinking water is my fountain of youth. It keeps your skin looking and feeling healthy with hydration. Water helps your organs and overall health. Drink 64 ounces of water a day. And you’re one step closer to being a better you!

February – Get More Sleep

Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night. 7 – 9 hours are the recommended number of hours for adults. I am still working on this goal myself. While you sleep, your body fights off illnesses and recuperates. Getting enough sleep may also lower the rest of diseases like diabetes and heart diseases.

March – Eat Your Fruit & Veggies

Fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables to receive the proper daily serving. Getting fruit and veggies are a great way to stay healthy, feel healthy, and maintain a healthy weight. An apple a day keeps the doctor away!

April – Stop Complaining

What good has complaining really ever done for you? My personal motto is, don’t complain unless you have a plan to change. Complaining is negative unless you can actually do something to change whatever it is you’re complaining about. This will help you relieve stress and focus on the more important things in life.

May – Unplug and Unwind

Make an effort to unplug yourself from your technology and spend more time on yourself and loved ones. Too much technology can lead to stress, depression, and sleep disorders.

June – Stop Making Excuses

Excuses are a sure way to be successful at failure. Excuses will paralyze you in such a way, you won’t even realize it. If there is something you want to do, do it. Don’t make excuses to prevent you from doing/getting what you want. There’s no failure in trying. If it doesn’t work out, try a different way, pray about it, and move on if it’s not meant to be.

July – Try Something New

Figure out something you have been wanting to try and try it. It could be taking a kickboxing class, walking a mountain trail, or learning to swim. You stopped making excuses last month, so you have nothing holding you back. Just do it! This will help you live the life you want and not just let life pass you by.

August – Forgive

Let go and let God handle it. No need to hold a grudge. Forgiveness allows you to truly let go of all of the stress, and tension that person’s actions have created.  Holding on can also get in the way of building healthy relationships with others. So take that heavy load off your shoulders by forgiving that person.

September – Declutter

A clean and organized space helps keep your mind free from anxiety and stress. Less is more, so get rid of what you haven’t used in 6 months to a year. Donate slightly used items and trash/recycle the rest.

October –   Express Gratitude

Gratitude helps us see things more positively. Here are some simple ways to show gratitude; tell someone face to face how much they mean to you, randomly put a sticky note somewhere that will make someone smile, or write a thank you note.

November – Write It Down

Keep a notepad or journal with you or near you at all times. Whenever something important comes to mind write it down. If you know you have things you need to do, write it down. Write down your goals; short term and long term. Write down your feelings to get them out of you in a healthy way. Writing can provide you with clarity and organization. It will also help you live out your dreams and goals because they are readily available to you.

December – Goodbye Negativity

Eliminate the negativity in your life. Negativity is draining. Have you ever been around someone in a bad mood and suddenly found yourself feeling bad? Have you been the negative Nancy bringing everyone’s spirits down? The next time you feel yourself going to a negative space, smile, put on some happy music, dance a little, start giving others compliments. Do whatever it takes to get rid of the negativity. When you’re in a good mood and the negativity is knocking at your door. Don’t become negative. Kill them with kindness. You will be the bigger person, and the negativity can’t continue to grow.


xo Tish


P.S. The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday. – unknown


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