16 Things I Learned in 2016

Happy New Year! It is 2017 and I still can’t believe just how fast 2016 flew by. So much happened during last year that taught me so many life lessons. I wanted to share my top 16 with you to hopefully inspire you for 2017.


  1. Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and think of what could go RIGHT.

This was something I learned from being with my ex. He was always so focused on the negative could bes that he wasn’t able to see the good in the now.  And as a person with anxiety, that was the last thing I needed in my life. I had to make myself remember that I could not predict the future. I had to stop worrying about what could happen and just live in the moment and make the best out of it.  If you make the best out of the moment, the future will most certainly be better.


  1. A negative mind will never give you a positive life.

This picks up from the last lesson. If you’re always focusing on the negative, all you will have is negativity. You can’t have positivity without thinking positively. Clear out that negative junk and look for the positive things in life.


  1. I am not a product of my circumstances I am a product of my decisions.

I think this one is pretty self-explanatory. You can’t keep blaming your setbacks and mistakes on something that happened to you in the past. We have ALL gone through something traumatic, but it’s the decisions you make that will determine how your life will play out. You can make the decision to blame your lack of success on the fact that something happened to you 10, 15, 20 years ago. Or you can make the decision to try your hardest to overcome the obstacles and fight for whatever it is you want to achieve.


  1. A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.

Sometimes, well, pretty much all of the time, you need to push your limits. Don’t settle for something just because it’s comfortable or easy.  You can’t build muscle if you keep lifting the same weights.


  1. Dreams don’t work unless you do.

Dreams are great to have to get you motivated to want something. However, dreams are just dreams unless you turn them into goals that you are working to achieve. Don’t sit around telling people about your dream house if you are not doing any work, or even working a job, to try to get that dream house. Find out the steps it will take to make that dream a reality and complete a step at a time until it becomes a reality.


  1. Mistakes are proof that you are trying.

This is something I tell my students all the time, until one day I had to apply it to myself. I’m always wanting my students to just try. Even if it’s wrong, it’s ok because you  tried. When I applied this to myself, I stopped trying to be a perfectionist, well just a little. I was willing to try new things and take more risk. Besides, mistakes are just ways of learning how to not do something.


  1. If you want something go get it.

This is another one that is self explanatory. Just having to put in work to turn dreams into reality.  You will never get what you want if you don’t try to get it.


  1. If you don’t like where you are then change it.

This one doesn’t have to mean the physical location, but if you are able to relocate, do it. Simply changing a space can do wonders. Whenever I rearrange a room in my house, or add a painting, plant, vase. It makes the whole room feel new.


  1. Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today.

Leave the past in the past and so is yesterday. Don’t let the new day pass you by because you were so focused on what happened yesterday. I have made it a habit to forget the bad things at work before I drive off the property. I refuse to bring it home with me and I refuse to focus on it the next day.


  1. Every day is a fresh start.

Piggy-backing from the last lesson. Every day is a new to try again. Look at each day as an opportunity to do better and to be better.


  1. When you feel like quitting think about why you started.

When you feel like you have had enough, before you quit, think about what motivated you to begin in the first place. If it’s no longer a passion, let it go. If it’s still a passion, see it through completion.


  1. When opportunity knocks, welcome it.

Enough said…


  1.  Start each day with a grateful heart.

To jumpstart a great day, begin your day with a grateful heart. Be thankful for having another chance and take advantage of it.


  1. Never be afraid to lose what needs to get lost.

Do you hold on to your trash? No! So why would you hold on to something that needs to get lost. You were fine before it/they were in your life and you will probably be better than fine once it/they are gone.


  1. If you can’t put your heart in it take yourself out of it.

This to me taught me to not do anything I wasn’t going to give my all to. If it’s not going to be the best I can do, then I wasn’t going to do it all.  Whatever it is, do your best and you will reap the benefits.


  1. Let go and let God

The best lesson I learned in 2016 was to truly hand it over to God. I heard it said many times before, had even said it myself. But I was able to put my disappointments in God’s hands and felt a ton of weight lifted off of my shoulders. At the end of the day, God’s will is what will be done, so who am I to worry about anything. God knows and has what’s best for me, so I will always be good! So whatever is bothering you, just tell God that you are giving it to Him. And when you really let go of it, you will feel so relieved.

xo Tish

P.S.  Your life is your message to the world. Make sure it’s inspiring. – unknown

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