christmas decor home tour

2018 Christmas Decor | Home Tour

This year I wanted to go BIG with my home decor for Christmas/Winter, and still keep things minimal. I loved the color scheme I used last year, I thought my tree turned out the best it had ever and wanted to expand that look throughout the house this year.

But, as usual, life got in the way, and I wasn’t able to get out and shop as early as I needed to get everything I wanted. This may have been a blessing in disguise however, we all know how expensive Christmas decor can get. I was able to find some really cute pieces to add to my living and dining room that turned it into a winter wonderland. And I was able to do this all on budget.

Make sure you check out my Christmas Decor Prep Haul to see what all I was able to purchase that will be featured in today’s post.

First stop is the doorway. I was able to snag this super cute “bath” rug for under $8. I thought it would be perfect as an inside doormat. It’s the perfect way to start off the winter wonderland vibe.

When you turn to the right you find my sectional with my holiday festive pink and green cushions. My heart work is super minimal this season. I wanted to focus on the reason for this season with a nativity silhouette. I love how it turned out.

Next up is my fireplace. I was going to light it up for the pics and my video tour. But, since I have never used it since I moved in (3 years ago), I didn’t want to end up blowing up my house (it’s a gas fireplace).

I played around with the mantle set up a bit before coming up with this one. I am a little bummed that I was not able to find the rose gold glitter I wanted for the NOEL letters. I think it would have made the letters really pop. But I still love the way it turned out.

I am so happy I stumbled upon these nutcracker figurines. I think I will definitely start a nutcracker collection.

Next, we see the entryway table. Again, I kept the art minimally.  I had a vision of half a tree being sectioned offed and on opposite sides.

On top of the table, I love how simple the figurines look and yet adds just the right touch of holiday festive.

And last, we have the dining room. I decided to go with silver and white in this area. I thought that would work great since the area is opened to the living room and the colors would blend well. It also creates a clean feel with the gray walls.


Well, there you have it! I hope you enjoyed my Christmas decor. I know I loved how everything turned out, even though I wasn’t able to decorate the entire house. Maybe next year!

Check out the full feature video of the Christmas decor tour here. And check out the haul for these great finds here, with direct links for shopping.

xoxo Tish


P.S. Jesus is the reason for the season. – unknown

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