30 Days to Live take 2

As I continue to share tips on how to live a better life as we approach 2018, I have been led to share one of my favorite series.

Today I am sharing my 30 Days to Live series with you all again. Can you believe it has almost been two years since I shared this series, which also means it’s our 2 year anniversary this April. Well, this series,and the book really helped me change my life when I first completed the challenge. With all that I’ve gone through this year, and yes the life update is coming soon, I felt drawn to complete and share this challenge again. If you have not read the book, “One Month to Live” I highly recommend it. I will link it below where you can purchase it directly from the link.

The good thing about me sharing this series this time is that you get all 30 days at once. Just click the links below to get started. Start today , Sunday, or January 1st.  Make sure you let me know how your life has changed during and after you’ve completed the 30 Days to Live challenge.


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xo Tish

P.S. Life is a gift. Wake up every morning and realize that.  -unknown


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