4 Lessons From The Books of Esther & Ruth

4 Lessons From The Books of Esther & Ruth

There are so many strong women in the Bible that we tend to overlook. When we look into Esther and Ruth, we have to look within their actions to see where their strengths lie.

In the Book of Esther, we can see God’s special and purposeful plan for our lives through her actions. Ruth shows us how God can do amazing things from unexpected people.

There are four lessons from the Books of Esther and Ruth that stand out to me the most.

The Book of Esther

#1. God Has a Plan For Our Lives

Esther was placed in a royal position to help with the plan that God already had. Every moment of her life was to prepare her for the purpose God had for her. God created each of us with a plan and a purpose thousands of years ago.

#2. God Can Use You For Great Things

Esther went from being an orphan to a Queen. Esther shows us that it doesn’t matter who we are, it matters who’s we are. Because we are children of God, we have royalty in our blood that gives us the inheritance God has in store for us, no matter our upbringing.

The Book of Ruth

#1. It Takes Discipline

Ruth’s discipline is what made the difference in her relationship with Boaz and her relationship with God. She was consistent, and she was obedient. By her actions, she was noticed and selected by Boaz which turned her loss into gain.

#2. It Takes Patience

Throughout the Book of Ruth also teaches us to have patience. Ruth showed patience by staying with Naomi. She showed patience while waiting on Boaz. Because of her patience with Naomi, she was positioned to be where God needed her to be to use her. We have to remember that sometimes God has us wait for a reason. God may be preparing things for us that we cannot see until it all comes together.

xoxo Tish

P.S. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this? – Ruth 4:14b

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