40 before 40 bucket list

40 Before 40 Bucket List

OMG, I’m 39!

Have you ever felt like you have so much you want to do in life, and you thought by this time you would have all of these things accomplished?

I just knew I would have my dream house, with my dreamy husband, my kicka$$ career, and my amazing and beautiful children before I was 30. Here I am now 39, and I am still striving for most of those goals.

We make plans, God laughs!

Now, fully understanding that God may laugh at most of the things I put on this list, I am okay if they don’t happen by my timeline. But here are 40 things I would love to happen before June 18, 2019.

  1. Get pregnant
  2. Have a healthy baby(ies)
  3. Finish redecorating my house
  4. Become a full-time blogger
  5. Take a vacation outside of the US
  6. Take weekends off
  7. Read more
  8. Have an exercise routine and stick to it
  9. Write an ebook
  10. Get published & sell it
  11. Visit 5 new states
  12. Go to Coachella
  13. Go on a Cruise
  14. Get braces
  15. Publish a viral video
  16. Watch the sunrise
  17. Watch the sunset
  18. Go on spontaneous adventures
  19. Have an all-day spa experience
  20. Reconnect with my middle brother
  21. Take a hot yoga class
  22. Take a picture everyday for a year
  23. Grow my own food
  24. Become a member of an illustrious organization I’ve wanted to since 11
  25. Grow my hair to my boobs
  26. Dip my toes in the Pacific Ocean
  27. Clean out my closet
  28. Revamp my style
  29. Clean out my garage and decorate it
  30. Complete 40 random acts of kindness
  31. Go out and be social at least once a month
  32. Have microdermabrasion done
  33. Take a dance class at least once a month
  34. Try food from a new culture
  35. Do an escape room
  36. Go tailgating at a Panthers game
  37. Go to the fair
  38. Make a birdfeeder
  39. Make a homemade soup from scratch
  40. Do a challenge or run
xoxo Tish


P.S. Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’m possible. – Audrey Hepburn

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