5 ways to support other women

5 Ways to Support Other Women

From an early age, we are taught to compete with other females. “Your dress is prettier than hers.” “Your hair is prettier than hers.” “You are smarter than her.”

And although our family members were actually trying to build our confidence, it instead showed us that in order to feel good about ourselves, we needed to put someone else down.

That’s why I love the phrase, “real queens fix each other’s crowns.” It reminds us that we can all be strong women together while encouraging and empowering one another.

Here are 5 ways women can support other women each day.

#1. Give Honest Compliments

If you see something you like on or about another woman, give her a compliment.  If a woman compliments you, remember you don’t have to give one back other than genuine praise of thanks.  No one deserves a dishonest compliment.

#2. Celebrate Their Victories

Root on one another, even if you are going for the same goal. I see this often while watching The Bachelor. Although these women are clearly going after the same man, you’ll always find a few who are rooting each other’s relationships on. Now, if this doesn’t teach you anything else, it ought to teach you that it is okay to celebrate each other’s victories and cheer each other on. Even while being competitive.

#3. Give Your Testimony

The biggest benefit I gain from being an influencer is being able to share my stories to help others. As women, we don’t want to burden other women with our problems not realizing that we may have gone through that problem to help someone else get through something similar. Sharing your story encourages others going through similar situations because they are able to see through you that they can conquer it too.

#4. Support Their Businesses

Find ways to support women business owners. Even if their product or service isn’t something for you, share it with others who may have a need for it. With social media, we have no excuses to not support each other in some way. Even sharing their information, or in my case, a post on social media is a major level of support for them.

#5. Ask How You Can Help

Women are natural caregivers. We won’t just easily come out and say we need help. That’s why it’s important for us to just ask other women how we can help them. Be prepared for them to say I’m fine or no thank you, and ask them again. We are proud individuals, even when we are broken. So it may take you taking them out for coffee or tea to get to the source of their needs. Offer to help in any way possible, even if it doesn’t seem related to their issue. Bring over a meal or two to help ease some of their burdens. The ways to help are endless. So don’t stop at no!

xoxo Tish

P.S. Individually we are one drop. Together we are the ocean. – unknown

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