6 Easy Steps to Spring Clean in Just One Day

OMG! It’s the first day of Spring, and this year I am determined to go through and clean my entire house. To make Spring cleaning fun and quick, I’ve come up with a way to do your Spring cleaning in just one day.

Step 1: Come Up With a Plan of Action! Create a list of what you will need to clean for everything. Grab a caddy and put all of your cleaning supplies and tools in it to carry around from room to room. Don’t forget to add a plastic bag to put used sponges and rags that need to be cleaned when you’re done.

Step 2: Laundry Time! Gather all washable linens (rugs, bedding, slipcovers, window treatments, shower curtains, etc.) and start washing them.  I normally will put a load of laundry on first thing when I clean, since it’s literally cleaning itself, so you’re getting two things done at once.  When you’re done with a room, check on the wash to add another.

Step 3: Organize and Get Rid! Now it’s time to really get to work.  This is also the step I dread because I need for everything to have its place, and if it doesn’t have a place I become anxious. Hince the heading “get rid.” During this step, declutter each room, taking along a basket or bag with labels of the different spaces in your house. As you tidy up, put found objects in the basket of their proper place. Don’t forget the “get rid of” basket for all of the things that don’t have a place, or you haven’t used in 6 months to a year depending on if it is a seasonal item. You also want to check expiration dates and get rid of expired items as well. Finish by taking out the trash.

Step 4: Highs and Lows! Now’s the time to start dusting and wiping down. One room at a time, clean all of the light fixtures,  windows, doors, hard surfaces, mirrors, wall decor, sinks, toilets, tubs, and baseboards. Then sweep and mop any hard surface floors.

Step 5: Vacuum Time! If you have fur babies like me, the vacuum is your best friend. Having a cordless vac, is even more of a best friend, allowing you to go from room to room without the need to plug and unplug. But since we’re Spring cleaning, using both vacuums will be handy. Start by vacuuming furniture before moving to the floor. This way you catch anything that may have tried to escape. Use the vacuum tools to get in corners and crevices that are hard to reach.  If you vacuum your hard surface floors like me, save the mopping for step 5.

Step 6: Put Things in Its Place! Now is the time to put away all of your clean linens and freshen up the place with your favorite scent. Add some Spring decor and you are all set.


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xo Tish


P.S. I’m in the mood to do some Spring cleaning. Apparently, cabin fever has made me delirious. – Maxine


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