Monthly Goal to Build My Faith Walk

Monthly Goal to Build My Faith Walk

Another month is about to be over, and as I look into the coming month, I want to do things differently to help build my faith walk.

If you’ve been with me for a while, and have followed me on my vlog, you know my life has not been so rosy these past two years. And with that, my faith walk as suffered. Thankfully, God is bringing me through this storm and I am in a place where I am ready to improve my relationship with Him and my faith walk.

Here is my monthly goal to build my faith walk.


#1. Learn How to Pray When I’m Hurting

The major thing that got in the way of my faith through my storm was not knowing how to pray when I was hurting. I became confused about how to pray for something with faith while knowing God’s answer could be “no.” It took me some time to realize that I needed to ask God to comfort me when His answer is “no” and understand it is all part of His will.


#2. Diligently Read His Word

Since my daily readings are in the morning when I wake up and at night before I go to bed, my reading has not been as diligent as I want it to be. There are mornings when I’m dozing off to sleep while reading, and nights when I flat out fall asleep while reading. It is always my intention to truly set time aside, but it doesn’t always happen.

So my goal for this month is to set a specific time aside for my morning and evening devotionals and stick to it. This way, I know that I am being respectful to God, and able to focus on my reading.


#3. Attend Church for More Than Just “Church”

There was a time when I spent 3-4 days a week at church.  I loved being involved in different ministries and attending Bible study. Unfortunately, I lost this involvement during my transitional period of finding a “new” church home. Now that I’ve settled on a church to attend, I am ready to become active.

My goal to help improve my faith walk is to attend Sunday school, which I started attending the beginning of August, attend weekly Bible study, and to become active in a ministry (Singles Ministry).


#4. Study The Bible with Journaling

I have found Bible journaling to be very fascinating. I have always thought of giving it a try, but was always worried that my perfectionist mindset would get in the way of my allowing my entry to just flow from my heart. After dropping my Bible and completely “broke” it one Sunday after church, I decided I needed a new Bible. So, since I’m wanting a new Bible, have always wanted to try Bible journaling, I figured this would be a great time to start. I will go into this goal with patience, knowing that it may not happen this month, but it is something I will strive for.  Here are some of the Journal Bibles I am considering: option 1, option 2.


xoxo Tish


P.S. Faith in God includes His in timing. – Neal A. Maxwell

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