How I Like To Spend Me Time

How I Like To Spend Me-Time

Having quiet time, to and for yourself, is the absolute best way to unwind and relax. After a longs day work or a day with the kids, everyone deserves some good ol’ me-time.

Here are some of my favorite ways to spend me-time.

At- Home Facials

I absolutely love giving myself facials. It is such a relaxing way to pamper yourself that doesn’t take much effort. I enjoy them so much, I have incorporated facials into my morning routines.


Reading is another way I love to spend me-time. I love being able to escape to different parts of the world along with the characters. Reading is a great way to spend time alone even if you are not actually alone.


If you follow me on my vlogs, you know that I am always working on some project in my house. Whether re-decorating, remodeling, or designing, it completely brings me joy. I have a creative soul, and I am a visual person. Therefore, I need for my environment to visually stimulate me in a positive way. I get a kick out of challenging myself to try a new decorating project, and the finished piece is the best reward ever.


I know, this one seems odd. But I absolutely love taking pictures of myself. It is one of the best parts about being an influencer. I get a rush during my photoshoots and love going through my pictures to see what I’ve captured. I loved my photo shoots so much I considered becoming a part-time photographer. But after my first photoshoot for a yearbook, I knew I only loved taking pictures alone. The same goes for being photographed, I can’t stand it. It makes me so uncomfortable and self-conscience. But, taking my own pictures makes me so relaxed and carefree, I get to be the model I always dreamed of being as a child.


This one’s new. I have always loved spending time organizing, and just recently I added purging to my organization.  I have considered trying the minimalistic lifestyle but found it too hard to let go of some things. This Summer, I was able to truly purge most of the extra nonsense out of my home and life. I felt so invigorating letting go of the old and not wanting to replace it with new.  I still have a few more areas to purge and I can’t wait to get to them.


This year I have spent some me-time taking mini-vacations and absolutely loved it. It was a great way for self-discovery. I didn’t have to worry about being selfish making decisions and plans. I was able to just go and be as I pleased and loved every moment of it. I definitely plan to go on more getaways and can’t wait for my next adventure.


Benefits of Me-Time

  • You don’t have to compromise, for a short time you don’t have to take anyone else into consideration and can do exactly what you want to do.
  • It can improve your relationships with others.
  • Gives you a chance to really get to know yourself.
  • It can increase your self-esteem.
  • You get more time to think about your goals in life and to plan for the future.
  • You feel no pressure when taking part in activities alone.


xoxo Tish


P.S. Be happy and a reason will come along. – Robert Brault


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