Girl’s Guide To Taking The Best Fall Pictures

Girl’s Guide To Taking The Best Fall Pictures

As an influencer, I love capturing the changes in the seasons through my photography. But, nothing beats taking pictures in the Fall. All of the vibrant colors, the leaves falling, the pinks and oranges of the sunset, all beautiful canvases to create art with through photographs.

#1. Use the colors in the background as an extension of your wardrobe.  This goes back to the color wheel. Colors need to complement each other in two ways; it should be in the same family or its complete opposite. So if you’re taking pictures with orange leaves, wear something blue (opposite) or pink (color family). White is a great color to wear when you want your background to pop and still bring attention to what you are wearing.

#2. Use different vantage points. Not all pictures need to be taken straight in front of the person. Aerial shots and shots from underneath are great ways to shoot pictures. Also, try out high and low diagonal angles to take pictures.

#3. Take action shots. Photos of a movement caught in time are intriguing. Through lives up into the air, make leaf angels, take a picture in the falling rain. All great ways to capture movement in a still frame. If your camera does not have the sports setting or a higher shutter speed, try using your smartphone.

#4. Take pictures earlier or later for better lighting. Taking pictures at noon with the sun directly overhead doesn’t create the best lighting. Taking pictures before noon or after will give you better dimension for lighting purposes, especially for those outdoor Fall shots.

#5. Use shadows to your advantage. Shadows create interesting shapes that work well for a Fall setting. Think about how cool a shadow would look on the fallen leaves.

Here are some great examples of Fall pictures I found on Pinterest to use as inspo.

xoxo Tish


P.S. Autumn is a second Spring when every leaf is a flower. – Albert Camus

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