5 creative ways to show gratitude this thanksgiving

5 Creative Ways to Show Gratitude This Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is all about the food, right? Wrong! It’s actually a day meant for giving thanks but somehow turned into a who can eat the most contest.

I remember my family trying to incorporate the whole “say what you’re thankful for” around the table when I was in my twenties, and being confused as it was the first time we had ever done it. The next year I was prepared, I had gone over what I would say for days. And when it would have been time to give thanks, we didn’t.

The sad part of it all is that Thanksgiving became a tradition about coming together to eat food, and not an extra day to give thanks.

As I continue to plan for my own family, I have been drawn towards creating my own traditions. Displaying different ways of showing your gratitude on Thanksgiving is one I want to implement once I have a family of my own or the next time I am able to spend Thanksgiving with my family.

And, although I love the having the family go around and each one tells what they are thankful for, I want to take it another notch higher. Here are some creative ways to show gratitude on(for) Thanksgiving that I think would be great traditions to start.

#1. A Gratitude Box

For this, you will have to start it sooner so it is ready for Thanksgiving. Using a Fall theme decorated notebook, have each person in the family fill out each day what they are thankful for. Then, on Thanksgiving, have everyone read what the wrote.

#2. Do a Gratitude Challenge

Create a daily challenge for yourself and/or your family. Assign each day with a task to inspire kindness and gratitude like donate clothes to a homeless person, send a card to an elderly relative, pay the nest person in line tab. Create cute punch cards, so everytime you complete a task, you cross out that task as a reminder of your efforts. For a family challenge. Make the last day’s (Thanksgiving) task where you have to say a kind word/word of appreciation about each person doing the challenge to share before dinner.

#3. Volunteer

A great way to show gratitude this holiday is by volunteering at a local shelter or food bank. Search your area to see what opportunities are available for you and/or your family to participate in. Volunteering is not only beneficial for those you are helping, but it is also a humbling experience for the volunteer.

#4. Gratitude Scavenger Hunt

Who doesn’t love a scavenger hunt? I just get a kick out of them and this one will help broaden your horizon of all things to be grateful for. I found this great example of one on Pinterest and thought it would be a great starting point.  No matter how big or small your family is, create teams of 1 – 4 people, make sure each team has a camera or camera phone, and send them off to find each item with a picture. This is also a great way to get everyone out of the house while dinner is preparing.

#5. A Thankful Tree

This DIY project is sure to cultivate a thankful heart. Grab some twigs, twine, and something small to write on. Simply Vintage Girl used wood chips and chalkboard paint. Have each family member write down one thing they are grateful for and hang it on the tree. Bring this out each year as a reminder and to add to it as you watch your thankful tree fill up over the years.


xoxo Tish

P.S. I’m thankful for so many things, but mostly God. Without Him I’d have nothing else to be thankful for. – unknown

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