my jot list

Things That Made Me Happy This Month

Life is better when you can find beauty and happiness in everything. So, this month, that’s just what I did.

I’ve been doing much better about trying to find the good in all things to help me love my life more.

I decided to create a joy list of the things that made me happy. This way I would have a visual representation and reminder to look at so I could do these things more. These are some of the things that made me happy this month.

#1. Remodeling the Laundry Closet

I had been wanting to remodel the laundry closet for about a year now. I kept pushing it off because I wanted to have my unfinished project done before starting to work on it. But, an opportunity came about to do a collaboration with Pods detergent, so I used that as an excuse to get the laundry closet I always wanted. And do I wish I would have thought to do it this way when I first bought my house? I absolutely love the way it turned out. I will be sure to do a full reveal of it soon!

#2. Meeting New Friends

One of my goals for the year is to have better relationships. This month I have done just that. I’ve met some great new people that I have formed wonderful friendships with. I’ve also met up with some of my blogger friends that I’ super excited to meet up with tonight to celebrate two of their birthdays.  

#3. Late Mornings

I have been taking full advantage of my late mornings. I love being able to just relax on Saturdays and go through my full morning routine without feeling rushed. It’s the only day I get to sleep in, and by sleeping in I mean waking up at 6:00 am.

#4. Having a Clean and Tidy Home

Talk about struggle city! It is so hard to keep my home clean. I’ve even toyed with the idea of hiring a maid service.  Which I am not completely over that idea. But even with keeping my home clean being a struggle, I love how free and peaceful I feel when I have a clean space.

#5. Practicing Self-care

I’ve made it more of a habit to take better care of myself with things I once took for granted. Practicing relaxation techniques and getting even going to get my nails done helped to brighten up my mood.

#6. Creating My Dream Space

I know I’ve already hit on home decor with my laundry closet, but turning my entire home into my dream space brings me so much joy. I absolutely love coming home to a space that is visually pleasing while still being warm and inviting. I think my space tells a lot about me as a person.

#7. Starting My New YouTube Channel

I am so excited I finally took the plunge this month and started my second YouTube channel. I’m so happy that I have a place to post the videos and content that will mirror my blog and will help more people along their journeys through life. I have so many ideas about the content I want to post on there and I can’t wait to get it going. Make sure you jump over and hit that subscribe button!

What are some of the things that bring you joy?

xoxo Tish

P.S. Find out where joy resides, and give it a voice far beyond singing. For to miss the joy is to miss all. -Robert Louis Stevenson
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