how to accomplish goals

Mid-Year Goals Check-In

How To Guarantee You Accomplish Your Goals Even After Major Setback

I must admit, this year, like most, has been a woozy for me.  

With that said, accomplishing my goals has been put on a backburner as my life itself was placed on hold for a couple of months.

As always, I believe in being transparent as I know that that is the only way for me to grow and for me to be able to help you meet your goals as well.

From this post, I want you to be able to know how to get back on track and still accomplish your goals before 2020.


First, you’ll need to see exactly where you are with your goals thus far.

This means revisiting your original goals and seeing where you planned to be mid-year.

My goals were to turn my influencer business into a career, build better relationships, and be relaxed.

Let’s just say they are all easier said than done. 

After my devastating news in April, my desire to connect with most people flew out the window. Thankfully, I was still able to build some strong friendships because of it.  My girlfriends at work really became my support system and helped me to see the good in each day.      

And I think we all know how stressful trying to relax is, smh. Especially when you are going through a storm. I’ve been able to find some calming mechanisms to help keep me cool. Which for me is major. If you are able to be calmed when stressed, you are able to use that calmness to trick your mind into being relaxed. It’s all about mind over matter. One thing I will try to better help me reach this goal is to seek therapy. Nothing works best then speaking your feelings out into the atmosphere to let them go.    

And lastly, turning my business into an actual career. I have been able to secure more paying campaigns with brands. So even if it’s not my fulltime job, I can say that I’ve had income coming in from my business each month. And now that I have off a few more weeks over the Summer, I am working on strategies to continue growth for once the school year begins.


Next, you need to celebrate your successes.

You’ll notice, even though I am nowhere near all of my mid-year expected statuses with my goals, I acknowledge the growth that I have made up to this point. No need beating yourself up for not being where you planned to be. Life happens! The key is to accept your setbacks as basic training for your ultimate goal. Now, plan accordingly. You know life can get in the way. What can you do to stay on track even when life happens? For me, I need to plan ahead of schedule and have my tasks done well in advance. This way, even if life happens again, I know I am still on track because I worked ahead of schedule.

If you have met your mid-year status, look at what you did to get there and build on it to keep going.         


Lastly, review your plans for the rest of the year.

If you’re on track, do your plans still make sense to rich your goals? Maybe how you want to reach your goals has changed. Make adjustments to guarantee you reach the finish line.

If you are not on track, how do you need to adjust your plans to play catchup without making yourself overwhelmed? Maybe you need to slightly adjust your major goals. Again, it’s okay if you do. 

The key is to be realistic. I recently picked up a parttime job. I knew taking on another job would get in the way of meeting my goals, but it was something I needed to do.  I haven’t completely changed all of my goals. Instead, I’ve made adjustments to fit my new life. I know that when I meet my goals, there won’t be a need for that parttime job, so I have the motivation to make it work.

I hope this has been helpful. I can’t wait to hear about how you’ve accomplished your goals at the end of the year!

xoxo Tish

P.S. Some days you just have to create your own sunshine. – unknown

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