setting goals as a Christian

Setting Goals As A Christian

In my mid-twenties, I first saw the quote, “We make plans, God laughs.”


That quote made me feel as though, as Christians, we’re not supposed to have our own goals. But the real way that that quote should have been interpreted is, are my goals in line with the desires God has placed on my heart? Or, are my goals in line with my own desires.


I know I am often discouraged or upset when things don’t work out according to my plans. And, the first person to get the blame and my anger is God. My main question is why, or should I say, why not?


That’s when it’s time for me to do some soul searching. I need to figure out where the miscommunication happened between me understanding the desires God has placed on my heart and distinguishing them from my own desires if they do not match.


I’m always asking God to show me His will for y life. I ask every day for God to reveal the desires He’s placed on my heart to me with clarity so I may translate them into goals. But, the question I should ask myself is, am I ready for what God has to show me?


99.95% of the time I do believe that I am ready and willing to receive for God has planned for me. But, that 0.05% is highly afraid that what God has for my life is not what I want for my life. 


I am always reminding myself that God has already written the story of my life, so He already knows how it’s supposed to start, live out, and end. What am I afraid of?


And that’s when faith has to step in. 


Having faith is a major component of setting goals as a Chrisitan. Let’s look into how to set goals as a Christian.


To Set Goals As a Christian, we need to 

Communicate with God

Create an open relationship with God that’s filled with two-way communication. How can you know what God has for you if you don’t communicate with Him and listen for His response? 


Communicating with God fosters a strong relationship with Him and encourages you to move in line with His will. 


Make Plans within the Context of Your Relationship with God

Make goals and plans with faith and in accordance with His will for you and your life.


He will then give us the desires of our hearts and open the right doors, make the right connections, and set up the perfect timing for you.


Continue Seeking God’s Guidance

I will reference my favorite verse for this point, Proverbs 3:5-6. 


Trust in the Lord, with all your heart, and don’t depend on your understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.


Just because you think you have everything under control, doesn’t mean you do, and it doesn’t mean you’re good enough to do it without God. 


Don’t forget where your help comes from. Continue to ask God for guidance each day, before every decision (big and small), before each step. This will only guarantee that you are still on God’s path for you.


Give God the Glory

And lastly, remember to thank God along the way and especially when you accomplish your goals.


Even when you’re flustered and confused, angry or dismayed, give God thanks. 


Don’t just praise Him in the good times, remember Him when things look dark so you can get back on track. 


Thank Him for the test He’s given you to make you stronger and more capable of handling the blessings that will come when you reach your goal(s).


xoxo Tish

P.S. Be the reason someone smiles today. – unknown

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