How to Style Box Braids

It’s Make-Over Monday and today’s post is all about box braids.  If you read my Big Chop, 1 Year Later post, you know how much I love wearing my hair braided. Box braids are a great protective style for natural hair.  I see the most hair growth when I wear my hair braided. And when it feels like 100° like it did yesterday, having box braids protects your hair from all of that heat damage and it keeps your head cool.  


I typically wear my braids the same everyday, but I’ve been wanting to change things up a little. I love the versatility you can have with box braids. You can make your braids look elegant, chic , and trendy.  So, how can you style your box braids? Here are six easy looks to try that will work on long hair too…



Look 1: Big Bun

When I first started wearing box braids this is the look I was going for and wore ALL THE TIME.  I love the way I look with this big top knot, like it gives me a fresh look.


IMG_4167Look 2: High Ponytail

I’ve only worn this look a few times, but I love the youthful appearance it gives. This high ponytail reminds me of Janet Jackson in “Poetic Justice.” That was when this look really became famous. (Did I just date myself?)


IMG_4163 (1)Look 3: Half up with Front Twist

Now this is how you would usually see me wearing my braids. Once my now ex-boyfriend gave me a compliment about this style, I’ve worn it this way ever since.  I love the business in the front, and casual in the back look.


IMG_4161Look 4: Half up with Top Knot

I used to wear my actual hair in this style back in high school (instead my bun was on the side). I recently wore my natural hair this way and loved it so I had to try it with my braids.  It’s a great summery style to wear this hot summer.


IMG_4165Look 5: All Out

One of my students this past year kept asking me to wear my braids all out, so I figured I would give it a try for this post.  I love this look on others, not too sure how I like it on myself. But this style would look great with a strapless or asymmetrical maxi-dress. I could also see this style being worn on a tropical vacation.

IMG_4162Look 6: Half up with Side Swoop

I love this rendition of my normal half up with twist.  I think the swoop adds a little romance for a date night or just a night out with friends.


P.S.  Invest in your hair. It’s the crown you never take off.


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