Summer Peach

Happy Monday!! So Saturday I went to the mall with the intention to buy a new wallet. Well, by the time I left the mall I had my new wallet, that was 70% off (happy shopper), some home goods, and some cute summer looks from Loft Outlet Store. I’m going to BlogHer16 this week and thought, why not look for something to wear while I’m at the mall. As if I didn’t already have an overflow of clothes.  I found some cute shorts and a couple tanks, all less than $13, as well as the perfect sleeveless dress ($25).

Now you know I don’t like to shop without a plan or a purpose, or really at all. I usually plan out outfits with the new clothes before I buy them to make sure I will wear them. So of course I ended up buying random things, got home and was like…um, what am I going to wear with this? Not very minimalist. No worries, I’m getting ready to purge my closet.

My randoms. I was able to get all of this for under $75!!

Well here are two looks that I came up with. The peach dress, being a dress, I didn’t need anything to wear with it but shoes, but the floral tank made me so excited when I realized it was the perfect match to my peach skinnies.  I almost did my happy dance in my closet when the realization came to me.  I love how the color peach compliments my skin tone. When deciding on which dress to get, the blue or the peach, it was the peach because it made my skin glow, and it was cuter. The coral in this tank is what stood out to me first, but like I said, when I put it next to my peach skinnies, there was no other option.


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Be sure to follow UC on Instagram and Twitter to see me wearing these looks and more at Blogher16 this week!


P.S.  Happiness is a risk. If you’re not feeling a little scared, you’re not doing it right. – The Peach Keeper

xo Tish


For more on Fashion, check out these post…

cc dressesSum Must Haves main (3)denim vest mainSpring Blues


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