a love letter to God

A Love Letter To God

At the end of last year, I was challenged with the task of writing a love letter to God. It was given to me as a homework  assignment for Sunday School.

At first I was all on board. I thought how wonderful of an idea this is. I knew right away I wanted to share the idea of writing a love letter to God with you all.

And then the anxiety set in. I had never actually written a love letter before, to anyone. The one “love letter” I gave out back in high school was the lyrics of a song I probably should not have been listening to in the first place. But, to say the least, I didn’t write any of my own words. That got me to thinking. How do you even write a love letter to someone? How do you write one to God who is love if you’ve never expressed yourself in that way to a person?

I began to feel guilty. I know I love God. I say it all of the time. I call Him my best friend. I talk to Him all day, everyday. And yet, I couldn’t find the words to express how I truly feel about Him to write in a letter. Even typing this today, months later, I still struggle to understand why this is such a challenge.

Let’s jump back a couple weeks ago, when I finally started to work on my love letter to God. I think I was able to get in three lines. All of which were of me giving thanks for things He has done in my life. And today, something clicked.

Was that it? Was that the reason I struggled to find words to express my love for God?  Was that the real reason I felt so guilty?

We say you should never fall in love with someone because of the things they do for you. And yet, we are almost trained to love God for that very reason alone. We are told as children that we should love God because He woke us up, He sacrificed His only Son for us, He forgives our sins. And although all of that is very true. My love for God should be so much more. Not just for what He’s done, but for who He is.

Even as I write this today, I’ve recognized the precious way he empowers me to love him more. I can hardly explain it. That’s it, my love for God is not always explainable. I may never know all of the ways and reasons for loving God, and I accept that.

So as I go into writing my love letter for the greatest love I’ve ever known, I know I need to focus on the benefits of writing it.

#1. Writing a love letter to God will strengthen my relationship with Him.

#2. Writing a love letter to God serves as a love gift to Him.

#3. Writing a love letter to God will serve as a reminder of my love for Him.


As we are in the season of love and Valentine’s day, I charge you with the same task I was given. To go off and write a love letter to God. Keep in mind the three benefits I’ve listed as you write. There’s no timeline for writing this, I only hope that you will give yourself a due date to keep yourself accountable.

xoxo Tish

P.S. You always gain by giving love. – Reese Witherspoon

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