attacking new beginnings with God

Attacking New Beginnings with God

I recently read a blog post from Married By His Grace called, How to Start The New Beginning That God Has For You.

Let me tell you that it was eye opening.

I have been struggling for a few months now with a desire to start over. Starting over with a career change, starting over with aspects of that new career. Starting over with my personal goals.  And I’m sure you know how challenging life changes can be. Let’s be real, how scary life changes can be.

That’s just it. We decide what attitude we will take with us on our new beginnings. We can decide to go into it with fear, or we can decide to go into our new beginning with joy and thanks for whatever God has in store for us.

I know, I know, the only reason we enter change with a spirit of fear is because of all of the unknowns. We have no clue what God has planned. And at the same time that we are fearful, we still have faith that God’s plan is the best for us. Makes no sense right, and yet we live our lives day by day this way.

So, what area of your life needs a new beginning? Are you ready to hand it over to God? Have you gone to God in prayer about it? Or are you still allowing fear to get in the way of what God has for you?

No matter what questions you answered, and no matter your answer, the first step, as always, is to take your needs to God and committing this area of your life to Him. After all, God is the author of the story of your life. He knows the next pages, chapters, and ending of your story anyway. Commit it to God and allow Him to direct your steps.

If you’re having trouble trusting God’s plan because you can’t see it working out in your life or you’re not able to see Him moving in your life, ask God to open your eyes. Even though you may not be able to see Him moving with your physical eyes, God will open up your spiritual eyes to see His plan developing in your life.

xoxo Tish

P.S. God’s plans will always be greater and more beautiful than all of your disappointments. – unknown

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