How to Have Complete Trust in God
As I mentioned in my last post, Setting Goals for 2018, one of my goals this year is to work on my relationship with God and build my trust in Him. During my time of reflection, I…
My Goals for 2018
Hey guys! Sorry for the unexpected break. I have been under the weather and therefore, unmotivated to do much of anything but rest and get well. With so much rest, I have had a lot of time…
IUI part 2: I’m Cleared to Move On!?!
It’s been bittersweet looking back at these videos as I edit them. I love having the technology to document my life, not only to share with my family who’s miles away but to relive my life and…
Life Update: Trying to Conceive Single
Hey guys! Happy New Year! It’s finally 2018 and I am so excited about the new year. Here is the life update that I have been mentioning since I returned in October from my hiatus. If you’ve…
13 Ways to Live Your Dream Life
Today is the 31st and this is my 131st blog post. And since I love the number 13, I’ve decided to end the year and this series with 13 tips. I figured 31 would be way too…