
  • 28 day self love challenge

    28 Days of Self Love Challenge

    With February just a couple of days away, I wanted to do something for us girls. So, I decided to create a 28 days of self-love challenge, cause who doesn’t need an excuse to learn new ways…

  • $500 kitchen makeover

    How I Updated My Kitchen For $500

    The kitchen is the heart of the home, and my kitchen was not giving me much love. I knew I wanted to update my kitchen from the moment I first toured my home before purchasing it back…

  • winter favorites

    Winter Favorites

    Winter may not be my favorite season, I can’t stand the cold, but there are some things that I love during this chilly season. And all of the things I love just happen to be things that…

  • what 2020 taught me

    What 2020 Taught Me

    h 2020 was not the best year for everyone. Most of us had to make sacrifices, some of us suffered great loss(es), and the entire world tried to figure out the best way to stop a pandemic.…

  • setting goals in a pandemic

    Setting Goals During a Pandemic

    If 2020 taught us anything, it taught us how to be patient and flexible. So, when we go into the frame of mind for setting goals for this year, we need to remember that even with our…