Daily Bible Reading Plan

Throughout the past decade or so, I’ve come across so many believers who are confused about how to read the Bible, or even where to begin.  Today I am sharing my easy beginners Daily Bible Reading Plan to help get you started.

I didn’t start reading the Bible seriously until my freshman year of college.  At the time, my home was in Brooklyn, NY, and I was attending South Carolina State University.  This being my first time away from home and family for more than a few weeks, my transition was anything but smooth.  

Pocket Biblegideon-bible

My mom quickly reminded me of the pocket Bible I had gotten a few years before. In the front of the Gideon pocket Bibles, there are lists of what scriptures to read when you’re dealing with everything that happens in life. So, if you have one of those pocket Bibles that are handed out free, it’s a great place to start. 

A Chapter or 2 Each Night (Day)

Well I didn’t just stop there. I began to read the New Testament each night(the pocket Bibles only have the New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs). I started with the first chapter and would read 2 chapters before bed. When I was done I read it over. When I went home during one of our breaks, I made sure to pack my Bible to take back to school with me. I then began to read the book of Genesis, and was able to read the Bible in a year. I continued to read 2 chapters per night for the next 18 years until I decided to just read 1 chapter so I could really focus on “what” I was reading, and not just reading to be reading.

When I first began reading, I was able to quote scripture and actually remember the book, chapter, and verse. Of course my mind was still fresh. But as with any routine, you become so accustomed to it, that you are truly just living through the moments. Well, when you are reading scriptures, the last thing you want to do is just live through the moments. That is why I decided to just focus on a chapter a day. Some people may just want to start with just 1.

Proverbs a Day, Keeps the Wrongdoing Away!

So, I just totally made up that saying. However, reading a Proverbs a day is another great step to add to your daily Bible reading plan.  This is super easy to keep track of. What ever day of the month it is, read that chapter of Proverbs. There are 31 chapters, so even during those months with 31 days, you will have a chapter to read. And although I made up that saying, reading Proverbs will most certainly help you understand how to live your life as a Christian.  If you have small children, this could be a great addition to their bedtime story. If you have bigger kids, this is a great way to get them to start reading the Bible daily.

Give God Some Praise with Psalms

And my last way to begin your daily Bible reading is to read a chapter of Psalm for each day of the week. For example, on Monday – Friday I read Psalms  146-150, respectively. On Saturday and Sunday I read Psalms 112 and 113, respectively.  This step is kind of a double dose. You’re getting your read on and giving God his glory and praise each and every day.

Now, let’s recap

Pocket Bibles – read the suggested scriptures to help when needing specific guidance.

A Chapter or 2 A Day – read 1 to 2 chapters each day from beginning to end, and repeat.

Proverbs a Day – read the chapter of Proverbs for the day of the month (1-31) each day, each month.

Psalms a Day – pick 7 chapters of Psalms to read to praise God, one for each day of the week, and read each week.

Extra Tips

Remember, I did not start ALL of these steps at the same time.  I started by reading the suggested scriptures in my pocket Bible and 2 chapters a day.  I did not add Proverbs a day until years later when it was suggested to me (by no means am I suggesting you take several years to get to that step, maybe  a few weeks, lol). However, it helps to do the 1-2 chapters at one time of the day and the Proverbs/Psalms another time of the day, if you are not able to do them all at the same time. The suggested scriptures for those of you with a pocket Bible, should be read whenever needed.

xo Tish

P.S. I started reading the Bible. All of a sudden the words jumped off the page and became real – Austin Peck


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