Girl’s Guide| How to Get The Most Out Of Fashion Trends

Girl’s Guide| How to Get The Most Out Of Fashion Trends

Fashion trends come and go and come back again just to leave one more time. Every 15 – 20 years trends are recycled, but your money is not.

Now of days trends are only lasting for a season, like in the actual seasons of the year. Which means, the same season next year will have a completely new trend and you went and spent a fortune last season to stay “in.” So how do you get the most out of fashion trends as to not break the bank? Follow these easy tips!

  1. Keep It Simple
    • Stick to the basics when buying trendy fashion.
    • Think neutral colors that you can pair with any staple item once the trend is out. Black, navy, white, olive, tan, gray
    • Try to only buy items that are functional and stray away from the “costumey” pieces that were only designed for the runway.
    • If buying colorful items, stick to colors that will work well with your staple pieces.
    • When considering prints, lean towards print that will work for more than just one year.
  2. Buy Budget Friendly
    • Shop at discount stores like TJ Maxx, Marshalls, Ross, etc. to get the trendy items you love. This way you won’t break the bank shopping for pieces that are not long-term items.
    • Visit the thrift stores. Since trendy items go and come in and out of style years later, you are sure to find clothing from the past that inspired the current trend.
  3. Layer It Up
    • Once the trend is well on its way out of style, wear those pieces with layers.  This is why it’s key to keep it simple. When layering a top with big ruffle sleeves that went out of style last year, you will still look in style by throwing on a jacket to cover up the sleeves. As long as the top is a solid color or simple print, it will continue to work for seasons to come.
    • Add boots to cover up those ankle pants in the Fall and Winter and when ankle pants and pixie pants go out of style.
    • Wear a long top with super low cut pants or high cut pants once those go out of style again.


Following these tips are sure to make your budget outlast the lifespan of any style trend. You’ll be able to look cute and stylish all the while!


xoxo Tish


P.S. Fashions fade, style is eternal. – Yves Saint Laurent

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