self care tips eliminate stress

Girl’s Guide to Self Care Tips to Help Eliminate Stress

Can you believe it’s already the last Saturday of the month? I can’t!

As we get ready to close out the month and our Relaxation & Motivation focus, I wanted today’s read to be something light so that it would be easier for you to implement.

These tips are habits to create to help keep you in a relaxed state no matter your situation or circumstance. And of course, you don’t have to do them all. Pick out the ones that would most benefit you, and make them a habit that you do daily, weekly, or monthly depending on the task.

#1. Eliminate Trash

Walk your home with a trash bag and recycling bin and get rid of all of the trash from each room.

#2. Put Things Where They Belong

Clutter causes anxiety and stress. When you are done with something, put it where it belongs. Don’t save it for later, make it a habit of doing it right away.

#3. Create a Night Routine/Checklist

Create a nightly routine to prepare for the next day. Having a nightly routine will help you sleep better and have a stress free morning.

#4. Create a Morning Routine/Checklist

Create a morning routine to get your day started off right. This helps to eliminate unexpected mishaps and the possibility of running late.

#5. Take Weekend Getaways

Plan at least one getaway for each quarter or every four months of the year.  Since these are mini getaways, remember to be budget friendly. Even a day trip will help when it comes to treating yourself right.

#6. Schedule Times For Rest

Even adults need naps and breaks. Take some time to yourself by scheduling a designated break in your week. Even if it’s only 15 minutes, to begin with, take that time to do nothing!

#7. Get Pampered

As adults, we can sometimes feel guilty about spending money on our nails, hair, massages, etc. I know I’m guilty of this because well heck, I have adult bills to pay. But it is important to go and have these things done every once in a while to keep our sanity. Consider having a pamper party for you and your friends where you take turns pampering each other.

#8. Listen to Motivational Podcasts

Something I’ve picked up recently is listening to Podcasts. It’s free, and many offer great advice about pretty much anything you need advice on, including ways to live a better life. I listen while driving in the car or even when cleaning up around the house. Nothing like multitasking.

#9. Create a Financial Plan

I  know this doesn’t seem stress-free at all, but having a financial plan will eliminate stress later on. The key is sticking to it. Make sure to add in a budget for pleasurable things as well, so when it’s time to go get that massage, you’ll know it’s already in the budget.

#10. Be Active

Being physically active is a great way to take care of yourself and relieve stress. An exhilarated heart rate stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier, more relaxed and less anxious. Plus you’ll have the added bonus of looking better too.

xoxo Tish

P.S. You can’t pour from an empty cup, take care of yourself first. – unknown
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