Girls Guide to the Top 5 Fun Things to Do This Spring

It’s finally starting to feel like Spring, and I am so ready to get out and enjoy the town while the weather is pleasant. After being cooped up for the weather, who isn’t ready to get out of the house and soak up some vitamin D? Well, I have just what every girl needs to have the best Spring ever.  Today I am sharing my top 5 fun and free (or cheap) things to do this Spring to get you out and enjoying life!

  1.   Plan a Picnic Party

Invite your friends over for a nice Picnic Party in the backyard.  Get an extra large blanket or two to fit 10 – 20 people. Have each guest bring their favorite dish (this is how the party is considered cheap), plan a few fun games, and end the evening with a fire to roast marshmallows while you watch the sunset.

  1.   Have a Scavenger Hunt

Talk about some fun. I love scavenger hunts. This would be a great way to explore your town and get to know your friends better.. Have the meetup points be places that have free or inexpensive admissions like museums, a pond, botanical garden or even a mall. Include a spot for lunch and end with dessert, like a frozen yogurt place.

  1.   Go to a Free Outdoor Event

Spring is usually the time when cities will host movies or concerts in the park.  See when the next event is and invite your friends. Even if it’s not an artist/group, or movie you all would be interested in, go out and make the best of it.

  1.   Go Hiking

Find the closest hiking trail, put on your hiking gear, and have fun exploring nature’s finest.  Take a camera or use your phone so each of you may snap pics of all of the wonderful things you see along the hike.  Don’t forget to get a pic once you’ve reached the end of the trail. Later share all of the pics everyone took while enjoying a much needed lunch or dinner.

  1.   Start a Brunch Club

Every other Sunday or Saturday, each of your friends gets to pick a new restaurant to try out for brunch. If the weather is nice, eat outside and enjoy the beauty of Spring while you dine. To keep things pocket friendly, set a budget so that your friends will select places that everyone can enjoy.


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xo Tish

P.S. Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end. – Seneca


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