how i fell in love with God

How I Fell In Love With God

What God wants most of us is to have a strong relationship with Him.

It took me to get to the lowest place to realize that I did not have a relationship with God that I needed.

This was around the time that I struggled with feeling lonely. I worried about being single for the rest of my life. I battled with thinking that no man would want me as his wife.

It was those nights that I cried myself to sleep that I realized that I wasn’t alone. I knew that I had the greatest love to ever exist there wanting me to want Him. To need Him. To love Him.

God’s unconditional love and presence caused me to fall deeply in love with Him. His presence filled me where I was empty. Comforted me when I was sad. Embraced me when I needed affection. And gave me the love that I would never get from a person.

My relationship with God immediately changed for the better. He went from being a Father that I feared, to a Father that I could trust and confide in.

God became my lover, my provider, and most importantly my best friend.

I was able to go to God for anything and with anything.

The way I communicated with Him changed drastically. My prayers became conversations. I knew I could tell God my secrets, my fears, my joys, and my pains.

God became my go to. He was finally my number one. He was finally where he should have been in my life the entire time.

Even though I turned my back on God so many times, even though I put people ahead of Him, He was still there for me when I needed Him the most. Even though I wasn’t given Him what he deserved from me, He was still giving me more than what I deserved from Him. And for that, I could not help but fall in love with Him.

xoxo Tish

P.S. Though our feelings come and go, God’s love for us does not. – C.S. Lewis
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