How To Bounce Back After Setbacks

How To Bounce Back After Setbacks

Failure is just another part of life. No matter what stage of life you’re in, it takes your failures to make you the better person you strive to be.

If failure is just another part of life, why do we allow it to knock us off track of reaching our goals?

Here are 5 easy ways to bounce back after setbacks.

#1. Take a Deeper Look Into Your Failure

Really look back at your setback and determine what led to it. Use this as an opportunity to grow and learn, therefore becoming better.

#2. Reject Rejection

My mother told me the other day that my middle name should be Tenacity because I don’t give up. And although I wish that were completely true, it’s not. However, when there is something I truly want, I don’t just take no for an answer. I look at the situation and try to determine ways to go for it again, and again, and again until I obtain it.

That’s what rejecting rejection is all about. Don’t just take the rejection as your final answer. If at first, you don’t succeed, try, try again!

#3. Embrace Your Emotions

It’s completely fine to be upset over your setback. It’s not okay for you to allow your negative emotions to take over you and prevent you from moving forward.

Take the time to grieve, and use your negative emotions as fuel to get you back on your grind towards success.

#4. Don’t Compare Yourself

This one is still a battle for me. When I’m faced with setbacks, I’m quick to look at someone else and compare myself to them. Simple asking the question why them, is a form of comparison.

Whenever this happens, I have to remind myself that I’m not them, remind myself of my strengths, and remind myself that anything someone else can do, I can do better.

That’s when I reevaluate myself and what I did to lead to failure and not to the success. Did I truly do everything I should have done, did I try my best?

Turn the focus off of the others and put the focus and responsibility back on you!

#5. Have Faith

Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes that reason for a setback is it simply wasn’t meant to be. Having faith will get you through every setback knowing that what God has for you is for you. It will all work out for the best. Every success and failure sets you up for your next step.

xoxo Tish

P.S. The beautiful thing about setbacks is they introduce us to our strengths. Robin S. Sharma

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