How to Create a Day Worth Living

How to Create a Day Worth Living

Hey Loves! Life can be a struggle. Sometimes it’s hard to simply get out of the bed. We’ve all had those days that we wish would have never existed, and it causes us to sometimes not want to chance another day that would be the same.

Have you ever not wanted to go to sleep because you knew it was the first step to tomorrow? Or stayed in the bed, avoiding life for fear of the “what ifs?” Maybe you got stuck in the midst of a day from hell, and just wanted that day to end. Whatever the cause or reason, I’m here today to show you ten easy ways to create a day worth living.

If you create a day to be worth living, then the next day, and the next, pretty soon you will live a life worth living. So, what are these ten easy ways to create a day worth living?


  1. Get Up Early

Studies show that by simply waking up just a few minutes earlier, you are bound to have a better day. The key is to stay ahead of time throughout the day so you are able to take your time, unrushed, and enjoy each moment.

  1. Be Grateful

Develop an attitude for gratitude by expressing gratitude for what you have. Learn to appreciate all of the things you complain about, remember there are millions of people who are not able to have that very thing.

  1. Be Active

Being physically active is the cause of feeling better, having more energy and even adding years to your life. If exercise isn’t your thing, take daily walks, even if it’s just around your office.

  1. Learn Something New

Make it a habit to learn something interesting each day. Whether a new word or skill, find something that interests you and learn all you can about it every day.

  1. Have Fun

Having fun is not just for kids. Figure out ways to bring joy to your mundane tasks. If you find something boring that you have to do, make a game out of doing it to make it fun.

  1. Get Some Sun

Sunlight increases oxygen content in human blood, builds the immune system, and can cure depression.

  1. Spend Time On What Matters

Take time out to do something that truly matters to you. Too often we neglect our needs because of work or just life. Make time each day to do what is important to you.

  1. Show Kindness to Others

Being kind to others benefits them, but it also benefits you. Kindness releases feel-good hormones, eases anxiety, is good for your heart, and reduces stress. Each day, do something for someone else or go out of your way to put a smile on someone’s face.

  1. Look For the Humor in Life

Try not to take everything so serious. Find the humor and the positive in ALL things through your day. Focusing on the good will help keep you with a positive outlook on life.

  1. Spend Time With God

And of course, spend time with God. This time spent may be in prayer, devotion, simply talking, giving thanks, listening/singing gospel music, or reading His word. All of which will guide you to seeing the beauty in each day and your life.


xoxo Tish


P.S. Self-love is not selfish; you cannot truly love another until you know how to love yourself. – unknown

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