how to create spiritual habits

How To Create Spiritual Habits

As I said in my last post, habits are what ultimately drive our lives. That is even more true when it comes to spiritual habits.

I am shocked by how often I hear believers say they don’t read the Bible, even ministry leaders. The same goes for attending Bible Study, praying, showing self-control, and even attending Church services. All of these things are spiritual habits that you have to decide you want to make.

How important is your faith, and your faith walk? In order to make something a habit, it has to be a priority in your life. It’s time to start making some priority changes so you can create spiritual habits. Where do you begin?

Set A Goal

The first step to creating spiritual habits is to come up with your spiritual goals. What is it you want to improve on spiritually? What type of relationship are you seeking with God? Figure out what habits you want to create and come up with a plan of action. 

Stop Making Excuses, Make Time

Stop excusing yourself from doing what you need to do to grow spiritually. Make the time to read your Bible, pray, attend service, go to a conference. Whatever it is, make the time for it and stick to it. That feeling you have about making sacrifices will change into a spirit of surrender when you are doing things for God. So, if you have to give up some things to make time for your spiritual habits, the Holy Spirit will fill those voids and you won’t miss doing those things anymore. And when you look at the grand scheme of life, you ‘re giving up something so minute compared to the eternal life God has waiting for you.

To truly make habits, set a specific time each day for reading your Bible and prayer. Having that routine will make creating it a habit that much easier. 

Do It

Enough is enough! Stop saying you want to, making plans to, and just do it. You can’t turn anything into a habit if you don’t actually start the process of making it into a habit. Habits are developed over time, so the more time you take to prep and plan is ultimately taking time away from you fulfilling your goal. So, as soon as you’re done reading this, which should be in a few seconds, pick up your Bible (or open the Bible app on your phone) and start reading. Get on your knees and start praying. See when Bible Study is held and set an alarm on your phone to attend, and actually attend. 

xoxo Tish

P.S. Some days you just have to create your own sunshine. – unknown

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