How to Keep Christ in Easter

I know I said this a lot last year, but am I the only one who thinks this year is flying by? It’s almost Easter Y’all! Which means it’s almost April already.

This year, I am looking into ways to keep Christ in Easter (and later in the year, Christmas). After all, Easter is a celebration of the resurrection of Christ. So why don’t we see that representation when we see all of these Easter decorations? And why are non-believer out shopping for new Easter outfits to wear, well, where are they wearing these outfits anyway? Definitely not to a church.

Well, let’s jump in and see how we, as believers, can keep Christ in Easter.

  1.   Take Part in Lent

I put this first because this is something I need to take part in. In the past, I’ve used the excuse I’m not Catholic, I don’t have anything to give up, or I just forgot. The latter being my excuse for this year. I literally forgot about lent.

I think if we looked at lent, and giving up something, as a fast, it would be more beneficial to us. That sacrifice will truly remind us of the sacrifice Jesus made for us when He died on that cross. So, even if you do take part in Lent, what is your attitude about it? If Lent had been explained to me in this way, I probably would have participated in it years ago.  

According to the United Methodist Church, “Lent is a season of forty days, not counting Sundays, which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday. Lent comes from the Anglo Saxon word lencten, which means “spring.” The forty days represents the time Jesus spent in the wilderness, enduring the temptation of Satan and preparing to begin his ministry.” The purpose of Lent, according to the Catholic Encyclopedia, “above all else, to prepare men for the celebration of the death and Resurrection of Christ.”


  1.   Easter Bible Reading Plan

Start an Easter Bible reading plan. Create one for yourself or find one on the internet to adapt to your needs.  This (of course for next year) can be a part of your Lent meditation. A great plan to start out with and to use for the remainder of this season is to read a chapter or two from one of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John). This will take you from the lineage of Jesus to his life after resurrection.


  1.  A Sense of the Resurrection

A Sense of the Resurrection: an Easter Experience for Families contains 12 fun, hands-on, easy, meaningful activities to help your kids come face to face with the Easter story. It is a fun and interactive way to not only keep Christ in Easter but to get closer to the Resurrection story itself.


  1.   Easter Decor the Christian Way

Easter decorations are super cute. I love the whites with greens and pastel colors. ANd then I stop and think every year, what does the bunny have to do with Jesus? A great alternative (or addition) to keep Christ in Easter is to put up decorations that are true to the actual story of Easter. Display a cute DIY Crucifixion and post Bible verses or Biblical sayings about Easter (i.e. He is Risen) around your home.


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xo Tish

P.S. He has risen. Have faith in Him… and He will always be there for you! – unknown


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