How To Stick To A Daily Schedule
Coming up with a daily schedule is easy. Sticking to a daily schedule is a completely different story.
The truth is, it’s much easier than you think. You just need to create a schedule that will actually work for your life.
These easy to follow steps on how to stick to a daily schedule will be life changing!
#1. Write a list of everything you do each day and what times you generally do them.
This should include the things you do daily when you first wake up to what you do right before you go to bed. These daily tasks will be the foundation of your schedule.
#2. Now write a list of things you would like to accomplish throughout the week and on which days you plan to accomplish them. These are the tasks that you do not do every day but would like to get done weekly or monthly.
#3. Put your schedule on paper. Use a bullet journal or create a chart to jot down your schedule and make it visual. Think back to the paper schedule you had back in school. Even though it may have been accessible online, having the paper copy made it that much easier to follow.
First, create a tentative weekly schedule to get a glimpse at how each day will flow. This will also help you see when you have times open for the things you want to accomplish weekly for when you go to make your actual daily schedule.
#4. Create your daily schedule. I prefer to create my schedules day by day, and usually the night before. Since I already know what my week should look like, this plan works for me. Also, it’s helpful to do your schedule the night before that way you can add any task you did not complete that day or something new that may need to be done ASAP that you were just made aware of.
The most effective visual schedule for me is a bullet list of the tasks I need to get done with a specific time allotment. I give each task about 10 – 15 minutes extra time to keep my schedule flexible as possible for any changes. I tend to underestimate how long it will take me to complete my tasks at times. See the image below for an example of what my bulleted daily schedule looks like.
Notice how I put the exact times for each task, This keeps your schedule realistic. Especially if you work from home as I do over the Summer. Only putting how long each task takes opposed to the actual scheduled time is a sure way to not stick to your schedule.
#5. You have to have dedication in order for you to be able to stick to your daily schedule. We all know life happens, and sometimes we have to make adjustments. So, be sure to give yourself “free” time on your schedule for those emergencies.
This will help you to not get completely thrown off and be better able to stay on task.
Having routines in place, like a morning and night routine will help make your daily schedule that much easier to follow. Part of those routines would be to check your daily schedule (morning) and to create the next day’s schedule (night).
Routines create habits and good habits are what you’ll need to stick to your schedule.
And don’t forget to include breaks. Even if your break is a 30-minute workout. Free time doesn’t just have to be for adjustments. They should be for well, free time. Having breaks in your schedule will motivate you to stick to it.
xoxo Tish
P.S. Be the reason someone smiles today. – unknown
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