How To Worship God Every Day in 5 Ways

How To Worship God Every Day in 5 Ways

As Christians, we can often get caught up in the routines and flows of everyday life that we sometimes forget to take time out to worship God. There are so many ways we can worship God every day.  you’ll be surprised at some of the ways to worship God that you have already incorporated into your everyday lives.

Start Your Day with a Morning Devotion

Spend time reading God’s word and in prayer to give God praise first thing in the morning.

Give Your Day to God

Surrender your dau to God. Allow God to order your steps and direct your path.

Take Care of Yourself

Remembering your body is a temple. Worship God with how you treat yourself. 

Practice Daily Gratitude

Honor God by showing gratitude for even the little things happening in your life. And honor God by being grateful for the big things as well.

Enjoy God’s Creation

Take a few moments each day to enjoy nature. Go for an evening walk or admire nature on your drive to and from work. See all of the beauty in all that God has created for us to enjoy.

xoxo Tish

P.S. Do what makes your soul happy! – unknown

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