Is Winter My Favorite Season? Why? Or Why not?

Hey Loves! I’m back! And with the Flu! I took off Friday and Saturday to try to heal and recuperate, but could not stand the thought of missing today’s post too.

I also thought today’s post about Winter and it being my favorite season, or not, was fitting with my most recent illness. And because of my illness, I was also inspired to change things up a little. Initially, when I planned this post last month, I had in mind to go in depth and offer suggestions with my reasons. But since I am still not 100% well, I figured I would make things short, sweet, and a little sarcastic.

So, is Winter my favorite season? Clears throat, OF COURSE, IT’S NOT.  Well, let me explain. It’s always good to start with the positives and work your way to the negatives. So as we close out these last four weeks of Winter, that’s just how I’m going to roll.

Why I Love Winter

  • Of course, I love Christmas and celebrating the birth of Christ
  • Snow, just the look of it
  • Cute layering pieces to wear
  • And I can’t leave off my addiction of scarves. Winter gives me a valid excuse to always wear a scarf, oh, and buy new ones,
  • Snuggling up on the couch watching Christmas movies
  • Snow days, just because I don’t have to work (and it’s pretty outside)
  • The bugs go into hiding
  • Less shaving!

Why I Don’t Like Winter

  • It’s COLD, I can’t stand the cold
  • It’s so gray
  • Snow, it’s cold and causes limitations in the South
  • Dry skin
  • Chapped lips (lol, not a problem I have but too funny to leave off)
  • Dry hair
  • Warming up the car, or forgetting to
  • Never getting the house the right temperature (sauna in my bedroom, freezing everywhere else)
  • I’m a Spring baby, I just love the Spring
  • The sun goes to sleep at 5:00 pm
  • The sun is still asleep when I leave for work in the morning
  • Having to scrape snow off of my car
  • Static Shock
  • Having to wear layers under my clothes
  • Snow days, having cabin fever from being stuck in the house
  • Christmas music/jingles (at least it’s only for the first weeks of Winter)
  • Leaving the house and realizing you didn’t dress warm enough
  • Leaving the house and realizing you dressed too warm cause you live in NC and it is 29 one day and 72 the next.

I hope these helped to put a smile on your face! If you’ve caught the cold or flu bug I pray that you get well soon! And as always, thanks for stopping by! Make sure you subscribe to receive notifications of future blog posts.


xo Tish

P.S. I’m tired of Winter, I want to fast forward to complaining about how hot it is. – unknown


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