It’s Our Anniversary


We’re 1!

It has been a year already. It seems like just yesterday I was publishing my first post, and then again, it seems like so long ago.

How has my first year as a blogger been and what to expect in the future? This year has been filled with many challenges personally. There was even a point where I had no motivation to write at all.  Clearly it was when I took my 4 week hiatus. However, being a blogger is so rewarding in itself. I love having the opportunity to share inspiring and motivational posts. Whether it’s faith, fashion, beauty or life. I enjoy being a lifestyle blogger and having that freedom to write about LIFE.

I am so excited about what lies ahead for me. I can’t wait to share it all with you. But first,  I will be posting my long awaited Adoption Journey  and Adoption Story  soon, both with videos.  

Professionally, I am looking into pursuing some other small business ventures. One will be launching this Spring/Summer. The other, something I’ve wanted to do and even went to school for, will not happen for a few years. But I am still excited about finally wanting to pursue this endeavor AGAIN! I am about to finish my 4th year of teaching full time. I have decided to continue teaching until my major business venture takes flight. Hoping within the next 3 years. I don’t see myself teaching for much longer and would stop now if it didn’t barely pay my bills.

Personally,   I am planning to move back home to NJ with my family next year. After going through this “adoption” process by myself, I realized how important it is to have family (really my mom) close by. We are looking to all move into new homes and settle down in the region we’ve agreed on. Which is why my major business venture has to wait a few years. Thankfully, as a teacher and blogger, I can work anywhere.

The adoption has caused me to make several life decisions, one of which I will be sharing later on this Summer.

I know I left a lot unsaid. But after publicly announcing my “adoption” and it turning out a disappointment, I rather leave things unsaid until it has happened or at least is in the process of happening.  Just know, I am not broken, I am so blessed. God has given me a new look on life, He has turned my lemons into lemonade. And has given me enough seeds to plant a whole bunch of lemon trees to branch off of.

Where do I see UC this next year? I don’t know! I love having Uniquely Created as my creative outlet. I was hoping to have a big revamping for our 1st birthday. Was excited about it happening during Spring Break, allowing me time to really focus on UC. But part of that lack of motivation to write was due to me not knowing who I am writing for. When I first started, I was really writing for myself. Yes it was for the reader, but it was posts about ways I changed, what helped me, what I liked. And even though I need that to want to write, I want my post to really inspire and motivate my readers.

So, I will have to pray for God to guide me along this journey. I really want UC to be a business and not just a hobby. I want UC to be successful. I want to LOVE to write and to be excited about posting like I was before my rut. I am hoping that with these professional and personal life changes I am praying for, I will have more to write about. I will have a target market to really focus on. And I will have exciting content to read and  view for my readers.

What helped me along the way? I feel that having a posting schedule really helped me last Summer. I knew what to write about and was held accountable to have it posted on time. With work, it is difficult to keep up with 3 posts a week. However, I am looking at a posting schedule, with a topic to focus on to help keep me on track and on task. So hopefully I can at least have that planned out this week before going back to work. I think with a schedule, I should be able to pre-write posts. That way, if work gets in the way I will already have my post ready and scheduled to publish.

God also is my silent writer. So many times I knew what I wanted to write about but writing it was a struggle. And then, a few minutes later I had my post completely written. Or, there were times when I had no clue what I wanted to write about, and God led me to my inspiration and I would have my post handed to me. I would always say to myself, “just ask, and it shall be given” every time it happened.

Ok, so I was not planning to write all of this today. I again, had no clue what I wanted to write about so I was just going to share my favorite post from this first year.  Another time my silent writer has stepped in! So, here are my favorite posts from my first year of blogging.

Before I go, I want to thank my faithful UCers, who are here whenever I post, supporting my work. Thank you for everyone reading this today. Please make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss out on all the upcoming and exciting post.

xo Tish

P.S.  Difficult roads only lead to beautiful destinations. – unknown


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