Summer hygiene routine

My Summer Hygiene Routine | 2019

It’s the hottest time of the year, and your body is suffering from it.

The sun, the heat, and the humidity are all in a daily battle with our bodies.

Just as the seasons change, so should your hygiene regiments. The Summer causes your body to require extra attention just like the Winter, but for the opposite reasons.


For the Summer, I use a moisturizer with SPF already in it. To be honest, I use it all year long. But, it’s a must during those Summer months when I’m more exposed to the sun.

Before I can put on my facial moisturizer though, I also have to complete my facial cleansing routine.

Most people think that when their skin is super greasy, like in the Summer, they need to be more strict with using products to keep their skin matte. Greasy skin is actually your face’s way of letting you know it’s not getting the moisture it needs. That moisture starts with your cleansers.

To keep my face looking fresh and clean during the Summer, I use cleansers that exfoliate and moisturize my skin. 

After being exposed in the sun for too long, I apply aloe vera gel onto my face at night and wake up to soft smooth skin.

Just for personal reasons, I try not to wear makeup. It’s just too hot. But, if I do, I go for foundations and powders that have SPF in them as well.


To cleanse my body during the Summer, I use two different types of soap.

I use a deodorizing soap for my underarms and special parts, and a moisturizing toning soap for my entire body.

When I get tanned, my skin looks dry and old. To quickly get my skin back to its natural state, I use a body soap that softens and tones the skin. 

I use a different body lotion during the Summer as well. What my skin needs in the cooler months is not what it needs in the hotter months.

So, I go far a body lotion or moisturizer that will support my body soap. The lotion I’m currently using is from the same brand and line as the body soap I’m using. This way I know my skin is getting the care it needs to get back to its healthier state.

In addition to my lotion or moisturizer, I always use sunscreen during the Summer. I’ve been loving the spray-on sunscreens. You don’t have to worry about it getting all over your palms. It doesn’t interfere with your body lotion or moisturizer, and it doesn’t have that thick sunscreen feel.

I also change my deodorant during the Summer. Even though I will definitely sweat more, I go for a skin-soothing deodorant.  

Just think about it. You are more likely to remove your underarm hairs more frequently during the Summer because of your more revealing wardrobe. 

Because I have dark skin, I am more prone to underarm darkening from shaving or using near. Using a soothing deodorant helps to eliminate underarm irritation and darkening.  

Hair Removal

I have not quite gotten into waxing. I recently attempted to wax myself and let’s just say, I am loving the results so far. Just not the pain.

Because of my strawberry skin, I prefer to use Nair over shaving.  But that too can sometimes cause irritations.

xoxo Tish

P.S. Be the reason someone smiles today. – unknown

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