One Month to LIVE part 2

Week 2 of 30 Days to a Regret-Free Life

Now that we have completed our first 8 days, let’s get ready for week 2.  

If you recall, this (abbreviated) challenge comes from the book “One Month to Live” by Kerry and Chris Shook. Last week’s focus was to start living passionately. For the next seven days we will work on loving completely.  So without further ado, let’s jump into week 2.

If you’re just joining us on this 30 Day Challenge to living a Regret-Free life, please go back to check out last week’s post (One Month to LIVE part 1)

What you will need:

  • A journal
  • An open heart
  • And continued commitment

Week 2: Love Completely

Day 9: Heart of the Matter; Relating and Not Waiting – Make a list of the people you would want to see and share your heart with if you knew your time on earth was limited to one more month. What specific steps could you take to connect with one of them and share your heart? Next, choose someone you know you have hurt by your words, actions, or silence. Write a letter asking this person’s forgiveness and explain everything you would like to say before it’s too late. Set the letter aside for a few days, reread it and decide if you should send it.

Day 10: Ocean; Exploring the Depths of Forgiveness – “He who cannot forgive others destroys the bridge over which he himself must pass” (George Herbert). How have you experienced the results of bitterness in your life? What were the physical consequences? What’s the present impact of bitterness in your life? How is it related to your ability to forgive and be forgiven? Make a list of the people you need to forgive. Write down the offense next to each name. Now make a list of all the people you need to ask forgiveness from. Briefly describe how you hurt them next  to their name. Spend time in confession to God. Ask for the power of Christ to wash over you, bathing you in His forgiveness that will enable you to forgive others.

Now write God a letter and unload on Him all the things you’re angry about,  harboring against Him, and wondering about. Be honest knowing God can handle everything you throw at Him (He knows your heart). Then ask Him to heal your heart as you tear up the letter.

Day 11: Everest; Scaling the Obstacles to Unity – How do you communicate your commitment to those you love? Do you tend to tell more than you show or show more than you tell? Determine which style of communication you favor and practice the other today with those you love most. Spend time in prayer today for each person you consider essential to your life. Ask God to reveal how you can improve your relationships with these vitally important people. Then write down what you think each important relationship in your life needs to be healthier.

Day 12: Boxing Ring; Resolving Conflicts by Fighting Fair – Conflict is inevitable in relationships. When two unique and imperfect people come together they just won’t agree on everything. Describe in writing the last major conflict you faced with a loved one. Was it a fair fight? Were ground rules maintained? How would you describe the fighting styles of the contenders? Who won the match? Was it a clean wim? Now think about your current relationships. Which one involves conflicts that would require you to step into the ring (conflicts worth resolving) if you knew you only had one month to live? Spend time in prayer, ask God to show you when and how you look to others to meet needs that only He can meet. Ask Him to provide what you need most from Him.

Day 13: Sandpaper; Smoothing the Edges – We will probably always have people in our lives who are difficult to love and hard to get along with. Describe one person in your life who consistently rubs you the wrong way. How have you attempted to relate to him or her in the past? If you knew you only had one month to live, what would you want to tell this person? What’s keeping you from speaking up today?

Day 14: The Gift; Thanking Those Around You –  Make a gratitude list of five little things that you often take for granted.  Stop and thank God for the small things that made life beautiful. Look back over your list and choose one item to experience today and try to relish the moment. Now make a list of the people you are most grateful for. Try to think beyond family and friends and consider the people who contribute to your life each day yet tend to be overlooked. Make a point to thank them today (or the next time you see them).

Day 15: Last Call; Revealing your Heart – Look through your recent contacts on your cell phone. Of the people listed, whom do you consider the most important? How often do you call them compared to the others on the list? How often do you really communicate with them? Write a letter or call someone who is important to you but lives far away. Recall the last time you were together, and tell that person what it meant to you.

P.S. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love – Martin Luther King, Jr.


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