• Beauty & Fashion

    Spring Break Must Haves

    Is it Spring yet? Well based on the weather and the flowers blooming, you sure would think it was. I am super excited for Spring and Spring Break. I am so ready for a relaxing vacay. So…

  • Beauty & Fashion

    Valentine’s Lip Shades

    Happy Valentine’s Day Loves!! I am ending this V-day series with my favorite lip colors for this special day. Before we get into these V-day lip shades, let’s review our lip prep. Step 1, exfoliate your lips.…

  • Beauty & Fashion

    Valentine’s Gift Guide

     Guy’s Edition We’re just a few days away from Valentine’s Day. Finding the perfect gift for your special guy is just as important as getting the perfect gift yourself. Today I am teaming up with Target to…

  • Beauty & Fashion

    Valentine’s Gift Guide

    Women’s Edition Valentine’s Day is a little over a week away. For whatever reason, Valentine’s gifts are the hardest gifts to shop for. Do you go for the cheesy, the elegant, or the needed gift? It all…

  • Beauty & Fashion

    Jord Wood Watches

    If you know me, you know I love the simple things in life. When it comes to my style, less is more. I like unique and interesting things and will show more flare with my scarves than…