Valentine Nail Color
Valentine’s Day is a couple of weeks away. I am so exciting because I will be doing a Valentine’s series. I’m starting off with nail colors that are cute and festive. Essie has their new Gel Couture…
Sweater Weather
So the weather outside is frightening. No really, it is. One day it’s snowing, a few days later it’s 74 degrees. All in all, it is still the perfect weather for cozy sweaters. Here are some of…
Goal Getter
Achieving Your Goals in 2017 Since I don’t do New Year’s resolutions, and therefore was not able to share that. I wanted to share tips on how to achieve your goals. So here are a few ways…
16 Things I Learned in 2016
Happy New Year! It is 2017 and I still can’t believe just how fast 2016 flew by. So much happened during last year that taught me so many life lessons. I wanted to share my top 16…
12 Months to a Better You
2017 will be here in just a few weeks. Although I am not big on resolutions, I do like starting new things with a new beginning, as in the New Year. Here is an easy 12 step…