• Faith

    Favorite Bible Verse

      Today I am keeping it simple. I had the urge to share my favorite bible verse. Sometimes you are just lead by the spirit to do things, especially when you don’t have a clear reason why.…

  • Beauty & Fashion

    Fall Proof Lips

    Out with the old in with the new, Season that is.  Now that it’s officially Fall, it’s time to swap out that Summer makeup, and the first thing we need to swap is our lippies.   Before…

  • Beauty & Fashion

    Falling into Fall

    It’s the first day of Fall, and I am so excited about this season.  I love the cooler weather, and Fall fashion. I just couldn’t wait to shift from bright colors to more muted fall tones, even…

  • Faith

    5 Amazing Verses that will Give You Peace

    Life will always throw you curve balls. You’re always going to have something to worry about, some form of disagreement, a disappointment, or some form of chaos in your life.  Although these mountains may seem like mole…