Back to School Clothes! Boys Edition
We’re back at it again with another edition of Back to School Clothes featuring Target’s Cat & Jack Boys clothing line. What I love most about Cat & Jack is their 1 year warranty on kids clothing.…
How to Get Out of a Rut
This week has gone by sooo fast. As has all of the weeks this summer. School is about to start, or for some, has already started. And dealing with the drama of coaching and the hassles of…
I am Gifted
It’s a Working on Me Wednesday. And that means we’re looking at God’s promise #3 out of 7. I am gifted. We were all blessed with a gift, the question is, are you working in your…
Back to School Clothes! Girls Edition
As I head back to work (already) and start to prepare my classroom for my new 6th grade arrivals, I wanted to shift gears. Back to school used to be the best time of the school year…
Money Saving Secrets
Is it Friday already? If you follow me on Instagram and Twitter, you know I’ve been doing a lot of work on my home. And as you read, I am in LA at a blogger’s conference. So…