Best Products to Get Rid of Large Pores
For this Make-Over Monday we are going deep and getting rid of large pores. I will be listing some general steps and products to use to help shrink facial pores. Cleansing Cleansing is the first step to…
Get Your Life…
It’s Fix-It Friday, so today we are discussing how to get your life organized. I love organizing. Staying organized is a different story, but getting my life organized relieves my anxiety, takes away any stress I may…
Verses to Read When Feeling Discouraged
It’s Working On Me Wednesday, and today I have Bible verses to read when feeling Discouraged. Psalm 23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:…
My Big Chop, 1 Year Later
It’s Make-Me-Over Monday and July 4th, which means I have been natural for 1 year. Today I will be sharing my biggest make-over ever and discussing my natural hair journey, along with a video of my Big…
Prayers for Healing Damaged Relationships
It’s Fix-It-Friday. Today I will be sharing prayers to mend damaged relationships. General Relationships Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for Your unfailing grace. Please help us to let go of those things we need to leave in…