• Faith,  Life

    30 Days to Live take 2

    As I continue to share tips on how to live a better life as we approach 2018, I have been led to share one of my favorite series. Today I am sharing my 30 Days to Live…

  • Faith

    Christian Characters for Godly Living part 3

    Compassion, Forgiving, & Trust Hey loves! I am back with our 3rd round of Christian characters for Godly living. This week we are looking at the character traits of compassion, forgiving, & trust. Compassion Finally, all of…

  • Faith

    I am Forgiven

    We have finally made it to our last promise; I am Forgiven.  I thought I would save this one for last. It can be hard to ask for and accept forgiveness when you don’t feel valued, gifted,…

  • Faith

    I am Valuable

    It’s the last day of August and I am still shocked at how fast this year is going.  I have been through so much, seems like more downs than ups. And with the year going so fast,…

  • Faith

    I am Free

    We’re on God’s promise #5 out of 7, I am Free. There are 7 promises given to us in the Bible. So far we have covered Bible verses showing us we have a Purpose, we are Gifted…