• setting goals in a pandemic

    Setting Goals During a Pandemic

    If 2020 taught us anything, it taught us how to be patient and flexible. So, when we go into the frame of mind for setting goals for this year, we need to remember that even with our…

  • Life

    My All-Time Favorite Girl Power Quotes

    Happy Saturday ya’ll! Today I am so excited to share with you my favorite quotes geared specifically to inspire women. There is nothing like a woman motivating another woman. Women were truly created to be a helpmate.…

  • Life

    How to Simplify Your Life

    For today’s Fix-It Friday we are talking about different ways to simplify your lifestyle and become a minimalist. Less is more… less stuff = less stress, less to clean, less spending and greater happiness. Step 1: Get…

  • Life

    Top 5 Easy Ways to Love Yourself More

    One thing that seems to be so hard for people to do is love themselves.  You may be quick to say you love someone else, you love this about yourself or that, or you just want to…