• setting goals in a pandemic

    Setting Goals During a Pandemic

    If 2020 taught us anything, it taught us how to be patient and flexible. So, when we go into the frame of mind for setting goals for this year, we need to remember that even with our…

  • 10 easy ways to be happy right now

    10 Ways to Be Happier Right Now

    Happiness is a state of being. This means whenever there’s change, your state can change. So I’ve come up with ten easy ways to be happier right now. These tips are great habits to create to stay…

  • 5 ways to get stuff done

    5 Easy Ways To Get Stuff Done

    Struggling to find the motivation to get things done? You’re not alone. Even as I write this post, I’m struggling to do it because I’m overcome by pure exhaustion. Motivation comes and goes, the trick is to…