How To Stay Organized | Back to School Edition
OMG! It’s that time of year again. And for us teachers, well some of us, we’re not ready. For you parents, are you ready? Will your child be ready? If you’re in high school or college, are…
Spiritual Gifts | What Are They, How Do You Find Yours, Ways to Use It
Have you ever heard your pastor mention that you should be working in your spiritual gifts? I hope that everyone reading this, who attends church said yes. As Christians, we were all given a spiritual gift(s). Through…
How To Pack For The Beach
As I get ready for my yearly family vacay to the beach, I’m stunned to still not know what to pack. You would think this was my first time going to the beach when I’ve gone I…
Girl’s Guide to How to Be Happier In Life
More often than not, we find ourselves settling for less than what we truly want. Thus, finding ourselves unhappy in those situations and trying to determine what to do to be happier. The first time I heard…
How to Overcome Fear with Faith
So often we turn our backs on God by saying we will not trust him to protect us and provide for us like he promised. Instead, we are so quick to put our focus on what frightens…